CCS Download Page
Our Bodies, Our Lives
This was an event at the Unitarian Church in Dallas, Texas in January 2018. It featured Rev. Dr. Daniel Kanter with opening remarks that reminded us of the role of his church in the reproductive rights of women, a keynote speech by the inimitable Dr. Willie Parker that addressed the moral argument for choice as his Life's Work and a celebration of the Clergy Consultation Service and specifically the members of the original pre-Roe v Wade network of clergy who were able to attend this special event including the Rev. Dr. William Kent Kirby, President of the Missouri Chapter of the CCS from 1970 - 1973.
Six members of the CCS were honored that night.
In the hall outside of the event.
In the fellowship hall outside the event, Planned Parenthood and hundreds of other Reproductive Rights advocates gathered with informational pamphlets and discussed the state of Texas, the #metoo - ness of it all and distinctly not POTUS45.
Watch the event
Dr Willie Parkers speech and the honorees
Click here to download the full uncut movie...
This is an uncut version of the speeches at the event. Security was tight and so it illuminates the events that took place on the stage.
Please SUBSCRIBE to the ThematicsMedia YouTube page for further updates and if you would like to donate or support our upcoming #theyknew documentary series please email or or download digital version of the movie for you to own the footage, we were glad to document such a beautiful event.
Halsey's Poem
Amazing moment the same weekend @ the March
See what happens next...
#metoo, #theyknew and #timesup led everyone in our business to wear black dresses to the Golden Globes and bring activist instead of partners as their dates. So many people have waited so long to feel as if men have listened AND heard the voices around them but what we know is that it has been a long time coming and there is a lot to say emotionally about our behavior, politically and medically about the human being around us. Keep Thematics in your list of voices screaming out about this issue.