They Knew intro page
They Knew, a documentation Story
Pre-Roe v Wade was a very different time and the Bible Belt a different kind of place according to my parents, but I never knew it.
This is a narrative episodic story told in the style of Errol Morris' recent WORMWOOD in the structure of Steven Soderbergh's MOSAIC app. It weaves the #IRL her/history of the last 50 years of hate in America with a fictional tale of a young woman coming in to her own as a woman and making grown up choices.
The context for this story is Evangelical Church and United States government's reduction of a woman's right not only to choose, but to lead a life without fear, and how men need to enable it.
It is highlighting the history of the Judson Memorial Church, the Clergy Consultation Service, new books and podcasts and social media hashtags and the entirely current fight to maintain the human right to choose when to reproduce. Clearly the context of Harvey Weinstein and Rose McGowan and has been a fight for a long time, above and under ground. Please join us in telling this story. Call (+1 )917-453-4762 or email or follow ON THE REAL REEL on YouTube.
Fictional characters
Fictional characters include our lead, Susy Fox, 22, a college freshman at Stephans Woman's College in Columbia, Missouri in 1966 and in a certain way. She chooses to get an abortion after having unprotected sex at a University of Missouri frat party. She has only a vague memory of the act. Her campus minister, Bill, 33 and his wife, Nancy, 31, help Susy get counseling, proper health care and become lifelong friends. Other characters include evangelical rail riders, dads who just don't understand and an ensemble of ladies who take over the next Millennia, the Information Age and look a lot like real life today.
Non-Fictional characters
The non-fictional characters include Rev. Howard Moody, Gwen and _______ the author of Moral Combat, the church against sex. Dr. Willie Parker, a progressive abortionist and ________ the chair of Planned Parenthood in Dallas.
Dr Rev, William Kirby, a Methodist Minister from a small town in Texas and his first wife Nancy Jane Lamb, a nerdy debutant from Memphis who met at Southern Methodist University in Dallas, TX in the early 1960s. Both were born to religious, progressive, college-educated parents who worked as teachers and merchants, soon after WW2.